Sunday 24 March 2013

mountains of waste

These are pictures of municipal solid waste on the wayside right beside a signpost "DO-NOT-LITTER" by  population of the environment and of garbage dumped on the side of a street in Port Of Spain Trinidad and Tobago. 

Urbanization is increasing all over the planet. Increasing along with it is one of the more unpleasant byproducts of urban living: municipal solid waste. Cities are centers of garbage production, and the amount of garbage they create is increasing even faster than their populations, it's rapidly becoming an environmental and economic catastrophe.

The conditions, issues and problems of urban waste management in developing countries are challenging since they are still in the transition towards better waste management. These countries such as Trinidad and Tobago currently have insufficient collection and improper disposal of wastes due to rapid population growth  through urbanization, seen in Port of Spain the capital city. One of the problems seen in developing countries that contributes significantly to waste being abandoned on street side is that  authorities in poor Third World cities seek to imitate the technology and equipment used in developed countries. That strategy is misguided and linked to corruption through kickbacks from purchases of transport fleet or from contractors. Often does not make economic and social sense for the poor.

The Country of Trinidad and Tobago has a serious municipal waste problem , everyday and everywhere I turn i see garbage whether just walking on the street or travelling to one area to the next. All along the beach sides and river banks, in fact I've seen waste in the middle of rivers such as the "Caura". One would thing a country with this little geographic range and abundance of natural gas would be able to handle it.
"Municipal solid waste management is the most important service a city provides," the report notes. "A city that cannot effectively manage its waste is rarely able to manage more complex services such as health, education, or transportation… Improving MSW is one of the most effective ways to strengthen overall municipal management and is usually a prerequisite for other, more complicated, municipal services.


  1. This a very growing issue I must agree. Something to add also, one of the m,opre recent reasons for this sort of problem is Informal settlements; most areas are left unserved.
    What I think can be done is that the Governemnt should implement fines for anyone caught littering but.. this is Trinidad.
    The laws would be in place but the enfrocement would be absent.
    Great post!

  2. "authorities in poor Third World cities seek to imitate the technology and equipment used in developed countries" -- can you give use some examples of these technologies? What about services?

    What report are you referring to? There is no reference!

    Great photos.
