Monday 15 April 2013

Industrialization and Immigration

The photos shown in this post is of the Carib and Stag beer company in Trinidad and Tobago. I took them from inside a bus while traveling from Port Of Spain to St. Augustine. The first is of the distillery and the second one is of a storage area across the road where they store empty beer cases. I chose to take these photos because alcohol is an important product in urban settings and has become and important part of urban lifestyles. Also companies of that magnitude generate a large work force of skilled and unskilled laborers of which a huge part of the unskilled laborers are immigrants from a different country.

Immigration, Urbanization, and Industrialization are directly related. Immigration causes urbanization, which causes industrialization, but industrialization also causes immigration and urbanization. These three things work in a cycle. The ever increasing number of factories created an intense need for labor, convincing people in rural areas to move to the city. City growth is mainly driven by economic development and is characterized by a shift away from a predominantly agrarian-oriented economy to one that is dominated by the industrial and service sector in terms of the country's GDP and workforce. Fundamental changes in the socio-economic environment of human activities as urbanization involves new forms of employment, economic activity and lifestyle have been observed. Thus, industrialization in the developing world is directly correlated with urbanization.

Immigration causes an influx of people into a given cities or cities, as the  immigrants generally look towards cities because of jobs. Most of the times immigrants are very poor, and very desperate for work, so  they would relocate to an area with lots of job opportunities, and they would take whatever jobs they could find in order to feed themselves and there families. often times the people hiring them would pay t very little to them  because they know there situation and would take advantage of it which does not help them at all. Urbanization exists because of the increasing population, and migration of people into urban areas, which in turn leads to the success of  industrialization. Immigration is responsible for diversity in ethnicity,for new ideas, inventions, and innovations because it promotes the influx of skilled and unskilled people from all walks of life. With more people comes there is a demand for new thing and larger quantities of needed goods to make day to day life easier which increases the need for industrialization. They grow because of each other, because they all benefit from one another. A major industry created in the Caribbean and a portion being placed in Trinidad and Tobago is the University of the West Indies. It generates a considerable amount of revenue each year from countries and people all over the world and it integrates many different cultures through migration for educational purposes. Through an abundance of natural gas Trinidad is a targeted place to place a large factory due to low energy cost thus it surely attracts its fair share of immigrants each year.

1 comment:


    You're overgeneralizing immigration and its relationship to poverty.

    Remember, I am an example of reverse braindrain as is most of the Geog Dept. Nurses, doctors, and other professionals may also be taking advantage of a global market place and moving where jobs exist.

    You need to anchor your opinions in research. It is interesting to hear your perspective, but you need to ground it.
